Subject: thank you
Wed, 19 Feb 2003
Thank you for your email, it was a nice move from you and i apreciate it, i can understand what
you ve written . I am writing to you in english because it s easier for me to write in english that 
i ve been learning it since i was 5 , but you if you prefer italian it s ok . 
I am happy that you delivered to me the idea that you dont mean any harm and hatred i can understand too what you are saying about mr smith but what i want to tell you that relgion is not mr smith nor anybody that was what i exactly told you in my perior email, that islam nor christianity
is individual movements from anyone. but to tell you the truth, i was happy to read you email  though
i had this impression that you were a little bit agressive :) i hope you are not cuz there is no need to,
life and relgionis are simpler and greater than this. Afterall, it's not a great comparison between anyone.
I wanted to withdraw your attension that the site is a little bit agressive and your examples of coran  that you ve written can be easily misunderstood and therfore anyone like me can get the idea that 
you are against islam and not against terrorisim and therfore raciest too. That is not only my 
opionion it was the opinion of other christian italians too. 
P.S noone can imply his rules in a country as yuo were sayign about mr smith, and if you accept it, then it s your responbility and not anyone else :) but if you dedicate some of your time to read carefully the islam the real one and not the media you will reach the point that islam is peacful 
relgion as the others and cant command anyone to be muslim too , it was writtn in the Corano "for you may be your religon and to us may be our religion" which mean no hatred and no commands for others to be muslims (i.e. cant force noone to be muslim). and as the old say:" the religion is for god and the homeland (country) for everyone".   
i hope this might be useful for you. 

First of all I'd like to ask a few question.
Do you live in Italy o where else? Where did learn italian? How did get in touch with my site? Sorry, if I isn't just a curiosity. I think that to know some more thing about you could help me in understand better your ideas.
You said you're well educated...did you studied in
Europe or somewhere else?

Going back to "our argument", I would like to underline that in many part of my site is CLEARLY declared that I have got NOTHING against religion different from mine and furthermore i do not have ANYTHING against people who have different culture or ideas. What I'm worried about is that some (I say some not all) people use their habit as excuse to behave as they want, violating hosting country laws.  I think you know as well as I do that there are, unfortunately, many muslim who "read" the corano letterally and this is not so rare. 
If you just think to the big differences between european laws and islamic ones...Sharia is based most on the Coran and doesn't guarantee individuals (and this is not an opinion - The european Court said this).     So, saying once more that it's absolutely not a question of religion itself, I think we cannot accept any imposition going against our constitution and laws. 
As you maybe noticed, I published you e-mail with the answer and I'm gonna publish this one too. Don't want to hide opinion different from mine.
I'm not racist at all. I am just afraid of fondamentalism which can lead too many people to death in the name of an unacceptable religion war.
We are in year 2003 and everybody has to be free to believe in what he prefers, but in doing this, everybody has to respect the others and the laws!

Hope you understand my deep reasons and agree my ideas have nothing to do with hate, racism and war. 
Silvia Ferretto

Date: Wed, 19 Feb 2003 09:33:27 +0200
I was really shocked when i got bumped into the site , i am a muslim educated girl and i
respect jewdism and christianity so much becuase it s half of our belif in islam . I was
so sad to see the site and how you make petitions against muslims and islam it ;s so
sad that i cant describe . I love italy and italians , but this site let me down but because i
am a well educated person i cant judge a whole nation becasue of a site and the least i 
could do is to write you this email to make you consider a second thought of what
you ve written and its sequences that may lead to extra hatred between races and groups
of people. Regardless the logo that can make a great deal of hatred more like A nosomking sign. 
I wanted to inform you as well that the pieces of coran you have in yoursite doensot serve what
you are saying weither because simply these sura or parts of coran is due to historical events
and not patterns of communicating with other reglions , becasue our religion motivates us for
peace and loveing others, for your information too... prophet muhamed went to jewish funerals 
had jewish and christian friends and even a wife! so what it s very disapointing what i ve read.
in addition to the present situation, it s meaningless to judge nations and religion, unrespecting
it for individual events .
I dont think that educated people do that!
As you are, as you say, a very well educated girl, I could maybe dedicate some of your precios
time then to teach to your brothers and sisters what you are telling me, that Coran and islam are
for peace, so that in future they would avoid to let them explode somewhere in order to kill unfaithfull
people (i.e. what do you think about kamikaze and Jihad?!?!?!).
I surely don't think that islam is only fanatism and my petition is just against islamic fanatism 
(this is what written in it, nothing else!) and not islam itself .
It would be worthwile for you to read some of the thing that Mr. Smith, which says to be muslim and
offend openly christian religion and its representative, wrote. He clearly says his target is to let Sharia 
be applied also in our country and this is something we absolutely cannot accept.


 has its own cultur, tradiction and laws and everybody who decides to live in our country has,
first of all to respect all of this. Without respect there's no opportunity to live all together.
Finally, I'd like to know, as you wrote me in english and not in italian, if your knowledge of my 
language is good enough to make you sure you didn't misunderstood what's really written in my 
website – as, I can assure you, there's NOTHING leading to violence or racism.
Silvia Ferretto
Subject: an
Date: Tue, 14 Jan 2003 10:29:43 +0100
Ciao, ho avuto modo di conoscerti attraverso la petizione che stai facendo, sono d'accordo
con te anche se abito lontano, a Parigi.

Subject: Petizione
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 15:27:17 -0500
Ho letto con piacere (su che Lei sta promuovendo una petizione contro il fanatismo 
islamico, Adel Smith ed il contributo dell' 8/000 ai musulmani. Posso sottoscrivere questa 
petizione anche se risiedo all'estero (Michigan - USA)? Inoltre, e' la petizione a carattere nazionale,
ovvero e'  possibile sottoscriverla anche da persone non di MIlano, od e' limitata a firme raccolte a
Milano e provincia? Se a carattere nazionale penso di poter farle ricevere parecchi consensi da 
parte di colleghi, parenti ed amici fortemente anti islamici anche se non tutti di Destra.

Subject: adel smith
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:45:58 +0100
Sono un cittadino Italiano residente all'estero (Germania) in questi giorni le tv locali stanno 
dando un po troppo spazio a quest'individuo, pertanto le chiedo se la petizione da lei proposta
la possiamo firmare e far firmare anche ad altri connazionali che vivono e lavorano qui in Germania.
con l'occasione le porgo tanti Saluti
Subject: Petizione anti Islam
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 16:47:25 +0100
Buongiorno SIgnora Ferretto, 
Sono un ragazzo di Chiasso, in Canton Ticino - Svizzera.
Con piacere, cercandolo in tutti i modi, ho trovato modo di contattarla.
Ho scaricato e stampato il modulo contro il crearsi di un partito islamico e lo sto facendo firmare a 
più cittadini Italiani (amici, parenti, familiari e colleghi) possibili.
Glielo invio non appena ne ricevo il piu possibile. Che scadenza ho? Entro quali limiti di tempo
bisogna inoltrare la petizione?
Sarei grato se mi facesse sapere visto che tale tematica mi preoccupa molto.
Subject: Adel Smith
Date: Mon, 6 Jan 2003 13:00:05 +0100
Sono in Indonesia...ho saputo della trasmissione in cui Adel Smith si e' messo a fare
a che si aspetta a buttarlo fuori dall'Italia.? come si fa' a farlo 
intervenire in trasmissioni televisive?.....come mai
non scattano denunce nei suoi confronti...?
Si riesce a sapere dove vive...?Chi e' ..dove si trova?
Subject: brava
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 13:25:11 +0800
Mi presento sono un italiano residente all'estero...ed indovini dove?
In Indonesia, Bali...dove vivo da 6 anni..sono un operatore turistico...per fortuna sono in Italia
da settembre...avendo deciso di rimanerci questa volta per 6 mesi.
Da circa 10 anni..ossia da quando viaggiando ho cominciato ad affrontare il mondo...ho imparato
cosa significa Islam...e Bali isola induista ne subi' a partire il 96/97 l'invasione ...fino ai tragici fatti.
Parlo l'inglese e l'indonesiano....ho imparato a capire i sermoni dei "predicatori" indonesiani
islamici.....leggo giornali inglesi, thailandesi, indonesiani.....ho dipendenti islamici....cattolici, 
hindu..... Noi che viviamo a contatto con culture islamiche "sulla pelle", sappiamo cosa significa, 
ne comprendiamo i pericoli ed abbiamo visto "il male". 
L'indonesia e' il paese islamico piu' grande del mondo. 
Sin da quando io l'ho visto ho cercato di spiegarmi in Italia, ma sono sempre stato indicato come
un pazzo, scemo....quasi deriso anche da mio padre.......anche dai miei coetanei od addirittura piu' 
giovani..sono stato anche intervistato da un quotidiano on-line.....fino all'11 settembre, e fino
all'attentato a Bali .....allora  sono diventato l'uomo del momento......i piu' onesti  sono rimasti 
stupiti dal fatto che quello che avevo detto si era verificato....."a dire che ti avevamo preso per
scemo"..queste le parole. 4 anni fa' dissi a mio padre appena arrivato all'aereoporto di Roma in
seguito alle prima immigrazioni islamiche.....siete prossimo conflitto sara' occidente/
cristianesimo contro Asia/Islam......!!!!
Soffro nel vedere il mio paese ingabbiato dal buonismo, ignoranza, vanagloria, spirito vanesio di
persone ottuse che si nascondono dietro qualche frase o pensiero filosofico che li fa' sentire evoluti,
arrivati..intelligenti ma pronti a puntarti il dito contro , spietati ed intolleranti nel giudicare chi non la
pensa come loro.... noi che invece facciamo della logica, della razionalita' e del buon senso  la
nostra arma....contro il pregiudizio intellettuale che si fonda sulla presunzione.....>
Apprezzo la sua iniziativa e faro' in modo di le chiedo di piu' ho bisogno di
rendermi utile, ho bisogno di darmi da fare, cosi' come molti che sanno , quelli che conoscono il 
mondo...che affrontano  il mondo.....noi che viviamo all'estero e che conosciamo le realta' locali...
pronti a difenderci.
Cerchero ' di chiamarla..sono a disposizione per mettere a disposizione la >mia esperienza per
supportare tutte le iniziative a protezione dell'Italia e della sua cultura....